• AssetTech is a tokenization solution based on the ERC-1400 STO standard, supporting public and private Ethereum-based chains. It enables secure and compliant asset tokenization, fractional ownership, enhanced security, global accessibility, and regulatory compliance. AssetTech aims to revolutionize the way assets are represented and traded through blockchain-based tokens.
  • Niftnack, an NFT platform, offers benefits such as true digital asset ownership, diverse asset types, monetization for creators, enhanced fan engagement, global accessibility, transparency, investment opportunities, and integration with loyalty programs. It provides a marketplace for unique digital assets, memberships, and loyalty points, creating a dynamic and engaging experience for collectors and creators.
  • TechHub Jobs token-based recruitment platform offers benefits such as incentivizing engagement, enhancing user experience, improving matching and quality assurance, providing an efficient payment system, fostering community building and networking, and potentially appreciating token value. It introduces a new dimension to recruitment while creating a vibrant tech community.

Legacy Apps:

We are open sourcing most of these legacy apps as a code reference for other developers to build their own apps. We are only giving away the source code, none of the content or other IPs. We will retain all non-sourcecode copyrights, including but not limited to branding, graphics, UI/UX, marketing, etc. If you are interested in licensing any of the these. Please get in touch. We have a suite of related domains for many of these apps.

Domains we have in our legacy portfolio, available for purchase:

PinyinChart – https://pinyinchart.com/; http://pinyinbiao.com
Where To Eat? app – http://WhereToE.at
Call a Taxi app – http://callataxi.com
Advendus Travel Guides – http://advendus.com
EverFont app – http://everfont.com